Fundamentals for Health

The basis for a good life is rooted in your health. The concept of health and what constitutes a healthy varies from person to person. In almost all situation's however it's rooted in three main things, nutrition exercise and balance. To truly maximize your health and make the change you desire to see all of these things must be in play in a way that will be sustainable to you and your lifestyle.
For majority of my life, I always had one of these nailed down, exercise. I realized however after much trial and error you can't have one of these and expect to live the best life possible, just like the ying-yang balance is the key to creating a masterpiece. After years of effort, I have locked down my training and nutrition but am still improving every day working on the most important piece, balance.
My hope is that by reading this and implementing change you too will be capable of making the change necessary to maximize your happiness in all aspects of life not in a quick fad diet, special workout or lies which we are subjected too every day but with gradual sustainable change that you can follow for years to come.